Retain full control of your credit processes and collections and therefore maintain full control of collecting your own invoices
Give us a call
0121 246 5913
Hours: 9am-6pm M-Fri; 9am-1pm Sat
Retain full control of your credit processes and collections and therefore maintain full control of collecting your own invoices
Confidential Invoice Discounting allows you to access the money you are owed from your customers without letting your customers know. You retain full control of your credit processes and collections and therefore maintain full control of collecting your own invoices. It’s business as usual, but you are no longer acting as bankers for your customers. Connect to Finance understand that you require absolute discretion from your invoice discounting company. We also understand the day to day issues that business owners are faced with. Years of experience working with lenders has given us complete knowledge of the industry, meaning that we will find the correct lender for your individual business and make sure that the facility meets your requirements and goals, short, medium and long term.
Invoice Discounting allows you immediate access to cash tied up in your sales ledger which could be as much as 90% of your gross sales ledger value. Bad debt protection can also be added to provide you with further peace of mind.